We are actively involved in a number of projects and initiatives. If you would like to get involved in any of the projects listed below, please get in touch.
Tayside Amphibian & Reptile Group’s (TayArg) Gulley Pot Project
As members of this group we actively monitor the gulley pots in St Fillans for trapped amphibians such as toads, frogs and newts.
Tayside Raptor Study Group
We complete yearly breeding surveys of a number of raptor species in areas of suitable around St Fillans, Comrie and Crieff. Andrea is also the group’s Treasurer.
Central Scotland Bat Group
Andrea sits on the committee as the group’s Fundraiser and organises group attendance at events, bat walks, talks and children’s activities. The group also provides advice and sometimes surveys for members of the public and also monitors bat boxes. The group also complete hibernation visits to known sites to add to a long term data set.
Bat Conservation Trust’s National Bat Monitoring Programme (NBMP)
We complete summer roost counts and winter hibernation surveys at sites in Stirlingshire and Perthshire.
British Trust for Ornithology’s Constant Effort Site Scheme
Andrea is a trainee bird ringer and is currently helping with bird ringing at a constant effort site in the Tay Reedbeds.
Hen Harrier Action
For the past two years we have organised events to highlight the plight of this raptor species in the